2022 Basic NSA Certification | 07335-22
Designed for new Notary Signing Agents, this NSA certification package includes everything a first-time NSA needs. To earn the highest level of NNA Signing Agent Certification, you must complete our online training course, and pass both our certification exam and NSA background screening. Successful completion of all three items will earn you a top-tier listing on SigningAgent.com.
Successful completion of our industry-recognized NSA certification program assures title companies and signing services that you know how to handle home-loan document signings. This NSA Certification package includes:
- Certified NSA training course.
- Exam study guide.
- NSA certification exam.
- NSA background screening.
- Top-tier listing on SigningAgent.com (with successful completion of NSA training course, exam and background screening)
- Complimentary access to Notary Essentials Online Course (This item is not required for certification)
About our NSA training course
Our training course covers the real estate finance industry’s standards in the “Notary Signing Agent Code of Conduct” and “Signing Presentation Guidelines” by the Signing Professionals Workgroup.
This training course includes:
- Overview of the NSA’s role.
- How to land an assignment.
- Preparing the loan package.
- Conducting the signing.
- Wrapping up the assignment.
About our NSA certification exam
To pass our exam, you’ll need to demonstrate knowledge of sound mortgage-signing practices. Our NSA certification exam covers the real estate finance industry’s standards in the “Notary Signing Agent Code of Conduct” and “Signing Presentation Guidelines” by the Signing Professionals Workgroup.
About our NSA background screening
Our NSA background screening satisfies the standards set by the Signing Professionals Workgroup and is valid for 1 year from the date of completion. This screening is separate from the one required in some states to become a Notary. Many major title companies and signing services require the NSAs they hire to successfully complete our NSA background screening.
About your top-tier listing on SigningAgent.com
Top-tier listings on SigningAgent.com are awarded once our NSA training course, certification exam and background screening have been completed. They appear above all of the others, labeled with an “NNA Trained, Certified & Background Screened” badge. Major title companies and signing services across the country use SigningAgent.com to find qualified NSAs for their assignments.
About Notary Essentials
Our award-winning online course will give you the know-how to perform the most common notarial acts in your state. It is provided as a resource to help you stay sharp as a Notary professional. The course is not part of the NSA certification process.